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IdeaPlan Review - New 4-in-1 Product Management Suite

The IdeaPlan Suite by Mark Thompson Product Management Operating System is used by entrepreneurs, startup teams, and product managers to crowdsource, prioritize, and deliver products that customers will appreciate. 

Ideaplan Review

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Simple, yet powerful features of IdeaPlan

  • All-in-one platform for product announcement introductions, roadmaps, idea gathering, and unifying users around a unified vision

  • Create internal and external roadmaps to make it simple to update your customers and stakeholders.

  • Announce product upgrades and connect them to finished roadmap deliverables.

  • Make product roadmaps, publish them, and embed them.

  • IdeaPlan Product
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    • Why 80% of startups fail (and the critical mistake that 97% of founders overlook)

    • A bulletproof system for collecting, prioritizing, and implementing ideas/feedback from your users & customers.

    • 10 secrets the largest brands won't tell you about to drive 20-100% year-over-year growth.

    • How to save up to 89% of overhead expense, laser-focusing on building what your customers actually WANT and NEED.

    • How to leverage a Product Management Suite to Crowdsource, Prioritize and Launch Products & Features Customers Will Love using IdeaPlan (plus a PRIVATE Founder Edition lifetime deal)

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    About IdeaPlan

    IdeaPlan Products

    IdeaPlan is an all-in-one platform for creating roadmaps, announcing new products, gathering ideas, and unifying users behind a common goal.

    IdeaPlan is used by entrepreneurs, startup teams, and product managers to create and personalize product roadmaps, share product updates and news, get direct customer feedback for product on new features, and launch products that customers will enjoy.

    Product roadmaps can be created, shared, and embedded. You can quickly update your stakeholders and clients on your progress by using IdeaPlan's internal and external roadmap features.

    IdeaPlan enables you to publicize product changes and immediately link them to accomplished roadmap deliverables. You can share product news with your users by publishing it.

    Ideas can be submitted and voted on by your users, giving you access to insightful client input. Managing new ideas and feedback from internal and external users is done through the IdeaPlan dashboard.

    You can easily gather customer feedback and transform it into useful insights using Ideaplan. You may quickly gather information with Ideaplan on the features your customers love (and dislike), allowing you to concentrate on creating the products they want.

    Collecting Customer Feedback

    IdeaPlan Customer Feedback

    Designed for Entrepreneurs, startups, and product managers, IdeaPlan helps to understand what customers need, prioritize feedback, and align everyone around the roadmap. Effortlessly create an end-to-end product-led growth strategy.

    You can create boards to capture new ideas directly from your users and customers. Align everyone, through interactive drag-and-drop customer and internal-facing roadmaps, celebrate new product releases and feature rollouts, keep users up-to-date and keep everyone in the loop on roadmap progress, with manual or automated messages.

    Plus there are loads of customizations, integrations, and more!

    Remove The Guesswork And Assumptions

    Remove The Guess Work

    IdeaPlan surfaces to the forefront what your users and customers want and need.

    This means no restrictions on boards, roadmaps, changelogs, team members, and contributors by reducing overhead and building what customers want the first time and also prioritizing by creating a bigger impact and rolling out highly anticipated features that improve communication while keeping your internal team and customers informed.

    If you have ever created a product or service, how many times have customers said…

    “It would be cool if it could do THIS…”

    “It would be cool if it could do THAT…”

    “Oh, can you cover…”

    Not to mention, getting contacted from your support desk, skype, Facebook messenger, Discord, Slack, live chat, forum and the list goes on. 

    IdeaPlan was created for any business or entrepreneur who desires a customer-centric, product-led growth plan, where real users and customers assist in guiding your product or content to what they genuinely require. By prioritizing, and launching products that your customers will enjoy, you may use IdeaPlan's Product Management Operating System to crowdsource.

    Building Better Products

    IdeaPlan 4 In 1 Product

    Are you building software/digital products?

    Know which features and enhancements to prioritize.

    Are you running a membership?

    Know which topics and content your audience wants.

    Are you selling a service?

    Help improve the results for your clients.

    It’s amazing the clarity provided to a company when your customers have a voice.

    It immediately surfaces your products' weaknesses and opportunities and also removes the doubt, validating your product's roadmap. It unifies the employees and customers and builds a positive culture and environment to thrive.

    Now you can easily crowdsource the direction of your business and allow your customers to help you!

    IdealPlan can help you. Don’t get me wrong…

    Products like ProductBoard, Canny, and Craft are great tools for collecting user/customer feedback, prioritizing product roadmaps, and communicating updates with customers and your internal team. However they start at around $100+ per month per user with limitations.

    While designed for mid-enterprise businesses, IdeaPlan is the perfect alternative for SMBs. If you are thinking about creating a product, IdeaPlan will help you validate and build it correctly the first time.

    If you launched a new product or service, IdeaPlan will help get you to the next level by surfacing bugs, improvements, and highly requested features.

    If you have a mature business, IdeaPlan will help find opportunities for new growth levers.

    So no matter what stage you are at or the type of product/service you offer, a customer-centric approach is what differentiates failed startups and thriving businesses.

    Founder And Customer Relationship

    Founder And Customer

    It’s pretty eye-opening that only 3% of founders actually talk directly with their customers. No wonder 80% of startups fail, right? It’s why having a systematic approach to listening to your customers is vital to any online business's success. It’s why a product management suite like IdeaPlan is perfect for:

    Validating your ideas (before, during, and after MVP).

    Collecting feedback to reiterate and improve.

    Prioritizing your roadmap for maximizing growth potential.

    Communicating internally and with customers to keep everyone in sync.

    Doing these things has a ripple effect throughout your business.

    Build trust and loyalty.

    Earn credibility.

    Maximize ROI.

    ….and most importantly, create happy customers.

    Get Started

    Watch a quick Idea plan demo 

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    How IdeaPlan Works

    Simply gather all of your user input from both internal and external sources

  • Make idea-review boards.

  • Create an unlimited number of concept boards. assemble user opinions.

    Make idea-review boards.
  • Your idea boards should be shared.

  • Add your logo, brand colors, and content to your concept feedback boards. Invite users to join your boards.

    Your idea boards should be shared.
  • Product managers plan and provide comments

  • Your team can arrange and rank all of the suggestions.

    Product managers plan and provide comments
  • Spread the word about your road map.

  • Promote the roadmap to all users, both inside and outside the company.

    Spread the word about your road map.
  • Sync and integrate applications

  • Sync your preferred apps with IdeaPlan

    Sync and integrate applications
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    In Conclussion!

    Build Awesome Products By Surfacing And Prioritizing Customer Ideas

    IdeaPlan Price

    As I mentioned before, the bad news is that most continue to ignore their customers. The good news is that now there is an affordable solution to avoid the major pitfalls of failed startups.

    Ideaplan is an excellent tool that can help you quickly gather valuable information on what your customers like and dislike about your products. It allows you to focus on creating the items they want, rather than wasting time guessing what they might want.

    The data collected by Ideaplan is organized and easy to analyze, so you can immediately see which features are popular with your customers and which ones need improvement. It also helps you identify areas of potential growth, enabling you to create more innovative products that will further engage and delight your customers.

    In short, Ideaplan gives you the insights and tools needed to continually improve your products according to customer feedback and preferences.

    You can now deploy the ultimate product management solution for your business with this revolutionary product.

    For those who have built a product using the “I know what my customers want” approach. It’s time to put our pride aside (yes, I’ve done it this way before too) and start listening to what our users and customers are telling us.

    Let’s save time, money, and resources by creating better products, services, and solutions - with the features they want. Let’s start doing what businesses that have exponential growth are doing by allowing customers to steer the direction of where the product goes. Let’s make it a win-win situation.

    Founders or entrepreneurs are rewarded with more profit, customers achieve better results with the product and services you offer. That’s the power of a Product-lead mentality. Deploy your product management strategy in a matter of minutes with IdeaPlan.

  • Daniel Madu

    Knowledge Broker.

  • Bonus: Free Online Business And Marketing Groundbreaking All-In-One Suite Below. 

    Powerful and yet simple features. Try it for free

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